People of the Verse: CROSSLUCID


Violet Summer

By Violet Summer



August 25, 2022

AUGUST 25, 2022


Last updated October 27, 2022

The people of the Verse are everywhere. You just have to know where to look.

What does it mean to be free? Is freedom just another word for nothing left to lose? Or is there something more—something that transcends the laws of our physical world, and can only be felt in the deepest recesses of our soul? We all know that feeling when we're doing something we love, and all else melts away. We know it's there, but how do we find it again? And how long will it last? This episode of People of the Verse explores this question from many different angles. In a world where code can be sanctioned, is our free speech at risk, too?

In this episode of People of the Verse, Dani chats with creative collective CROSSLUCID about how much the art and science space is just an amalgamation of groupthink. With decentralization, now concepts that only live in the dark hallways are coming to the forefront. It's time to rewaken the solar punk movement and give energy to things that light us up.

Explore the world of CROSSLUCID here.

**Disclaimer: Nothing on the Verse should be taken as financial advice. Please do your own research. $VV utility reflects engagement on the protocol, accessing token-gated content and community events.


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